To: The Team at the Firm Where I Was Bullied, Harassed and Assaulted

Elle Woods, pictured on the poster for the fil...

Image via Wikipedia

Quick Preface: This is one way to stop work place bullying and harassment. Bullying has gotten a lot of attention in the main stream media lately. Technically speaking the word for bullying by a group is mobbing. Regardless of what it’s called, it’s immoral and insidious. It can be traumatic and cause suicide. The first three paragraphs go into my personal situation. The last five paragraphs would be effective at stopping most instances of workplace bullying and harassment. Paragraphs four and five address bullying. Paragraphs six and seven are about harassment. The last paragraph pertains to either or both. When I execute on this project I’ll e-mail the entire professional community. Not just the team, but the entire professional community. It should be effective at stopping bullying by a group, or mobbing, and victim blaming.

To: The Team at the Firm Where I Was Bullied, Harassed and Assaulted

We are about to have a Legally Blonde moment and then a lesson in ethics. The perpetrator did not hire me because I am attractive, he hired me because I am competent. He abused me because he felt threatened by me professionally and that is the most common motive for harassment and one of the three most common motives for workplace abuse, or bullying. Your assumption was extremely chauvinistic. Moreover, if that had been the case then I still would have been the victim and the behavior of the team was socially irresponsible.

I hope that you all enjoyed running around and explaining how the perpetrator’s employment had been terminated due to his “having a mid-life crisis,” “bad emotional problems” and, “making bad judgments” including but not limited to having hired an agent who was, “possibly insane” because she was “attractive”, meaning me. Watch how quickly this can be turned around on you. This might end up in the mainstream media and I’m attractive.

Also, I’m speaking truth to power in one of the most progressive and educated cities in the world. There is a copious amount of evidence to support the fact that I am telling the truth, including your own statements. You can either acknowledge the situation or retaliate. Heads I win, tails I win. I hope that you will all think long and hard about being cruel to someone whom you perceive as powerless in the future. It isn’t behavior to be proud of.

Moreover, it’s extremely apparent that we have a serious challenge with bullying in schools and on college campuses. This affects the LGBTQ community disproportionately, but severe abuse of any nature can cause post traumatic stress disorder. That condition almost always creates some risk of suicide. Not everyone recovers from it and it can be permanently debilitating. It can prevent someone from living a healthy, happy life and thriving. It mitigates one’s capacity to love.

I’ll explain exactly why we have this pandemic problem with bullying in schools and colleges. It’s because we are a society of adults who ignore and partake in bullying and victim blaming.

One in three women in America is harassed. The effects of harassment range from mild humiliation to post traumatic stress disorder. One in five female undergraduates is the victim or survivor of sexual assault or attempted sexual assault. This is true at Ivy’s and local junior colleges. The way that the majority of you behaved made it easier for the perpetrator to get away with abusing me and an even more painful and humiliating experience.

Most of you have daughters and nieces. It isn’t a question of if something like this will happen to some of them it is a question of when. The decisions that you make within your lifetime define the world that you leave to your children.

I hope that you all will conduct yourselves in an ethical and mature manner from this point forward.